Check out our new blogs from We take a Bible verse and expand on the Christian faith from it. Feel free to follow us or to leave comments. God bless you!

     An excelent website, filled with devotionals and the story of Jesus Christ and who He is. For more information on Jesus, click the link above and in the left column of the new page, click the link that asks, "Who is Jesus?" and follow it from there. I hope you come to know the Lord as we all have :). He truly changes us from the inside out. You're in our prayers.

     In the midst of suffering, pain and the hopelessness men and women face in the world, we want them to know that there is hope. A triumphant hope that has its source in Jesus Christ the Light of the World.

For instant acces to the Holy Word of God in almost any translation or paraphrase imaginable. Great site. we recommend it, 100%.

Another great website that provides help in almost any situation people go through. If you have ever listened to HisRadio at night or in the afternoon, this is the program they sometimes have playing. Another great site, we recommend it too.

     A Christian persecution news website. Tells about all the persecution going on around the world to Christians in hostile towns and cities. Please pray for these people that you read about.

     The familiar In Touch Ministries with Dr. Charles Stanley. Page has devotionals, videos, radio broadcastings, and even a free devotional magazine that you can get delivered to your address once a month...FOR FREE!

Conviction Notice, a website where anyone can come and leave prayer requests.